What is FHIPD doing to resolve the conflict between farmers and herders?
FHIPD at a glance
FHIPD carries out meaningful programmes for conflict transformation, conducts research and produces publications on non-violent conflict transformation
The main focus of FHIPD’s programs is in Africa.
FHIPD’s work is carried out mainly through engagement with and support of civil society organisations.
FHIPD draws its identity from the experience of facilitating dialogues and building trust between ethnic and religious communities.
FHIPD contributes to the strengthening of existing local capacities for conflict transformation through work with partners and by enhancing the preconditions for nonviolent conflict transformation.

Farmers and herders initiated the creation of FHIPD as a response to the violent conflicts in the world between them. There has been a sharp increase in violence between farmers and grazers due to the high rise in population, among other factors. The work of FHIPD focuses on the transformation of such conflicts to peaceful co-existence.
FHIPD carries out meaningful programmes for conflict transformation, conducts research and produces publications on non-violent conflict transformation and the role of farmers and herders in ending conflict and building peace.
The main focus of FHIPD’s programmes is in Africa.
FHIPD’s conflict transformation work is based on an understanding that conflict is a natural part of societies that has the potential for both constructive and destructive change. FHIPD contributes to the strengthening of existing local capacities for conflict transformation through work with partners and by enhancing the preconditions for nonviolent conflict transformation. Research and community dialogue plays an essential role in FHIPD’s conflict transformation approach, both as a precondition for understanding the context of engagement and as a means for conflict transformation.
FHIPD’s work is carried out mainly through engagement with and support of civil society organisations, building strategic partnerships with national, regional and international organisations and networks, as well as linking up with international actors to support environments conducive to nonviolent conflict transformation.
FHIPD draws its identity from the experience of facilitating dialogues and building trust between ethnic and religious communities. This identity is crucial towards FHIPD’s success in promoting farmer-herder dialogues and cooperation for peaceful relations among people.